So yeah.
I'm in graduate school. Have been for a while. experience.
Right about now people are getting curious about whether or not professors will curve their grade if they bomb a test.
A student might ask, grad or not, if they can get some extra credit or if they can ask their professor for some lee-way.
"Can I ask for a higher grade?"
And my honest answer is, "You can, but don't expect anything."
Reason being that, even if you're going through some shit. Even if it might cost you. The professor teaching the class only owes you their time and whats on the syllabus. Outside that, its kind of a crap-shoot unless the dean or something is on your side.
But on the bright side. You can get what ever grade you get and go on with your life. Its not the end of the world. But still, at the end of the day, believe in yourself.
If a democrat can win a statewide election in Alabama, you can do what ever it is you want to do.
If Donald Trump can be president you can do what ever it is you want.
Might take a while and a lot of failure but fuck it, do it anyway.
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